The report only emphasizes the water crisis at our doorstep.
The City Council is tentatively scheduled to hear a proposal to increase Fullerton water rates this Tuesday, July 19, at City Hall. Based on my extensive effort to understand how Fullerton's water rates are structured, I have identified numerous flaws. The City's conservation effort had been dismissed as a source of future savings since many measures had been put in place. However, according to the Sierra Club, the City can do more.
Ultimately, further water conservation will only lend to the demise of our water system because the current and proposed rate structures do not address the fixed costs associated with operating the water system.
Adan Ortega, a local educator and businessman, stated it best: "
Therefore under the proposed and current water rate structures, when water consumption goes down, water rates will again increase.
When asked why the actual cost of maintaining (including repairs and replacement) the system was not assessed proportionately to the meter instead of the consumption, the City's consultant and City staff indicated that the type of rate structures proposed as well as in current use encourage conservation. Further, assessing the actual cost to the meters would create too large of a burden on rate payers.
No one has been able to tell me what the proportional costs are for our water meters so it is impossible to know what burdens may or may not exist under alternative rate structures.
Whether water rates increase or not, one simple fact remains unchanged: simply increasing water rates will not solve the many problems facing our water system.
Special thanks to Adan Ortega who emailed the Sierra Club link to me and has provided me with tremendous insight on all things water related.
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