Not very well according to a new book out by the National Defense Intelligence College and made available through the National Technical Information Service. The only thing more obscure than these two federal agencies which few outside the walls of federal institutions have ever heard of, might be this book.
Some in-the-know government agents have put their minds together to look at the way intelligences agencies interact. Since 9/11 the intel community has struggled to work with one another and divulge information to law enforcement.
The book is a collage of essays and analysis of various operations around the world.
So, why bring up this book here and now? For starters, the text on the cover, "CAN'T WE ALL JUST GET ALONG?" Those words were spoken by Rodney King after surviving a beating by LAPD officers and the riots that ensued after the officers were acquitted. King walked away with $3.8-million.
Now, in the aftermath of Kelly Thomas's death at the hands of several Fullerton Police officers, I'm wondering how well the Fullerton Police Department, the Orange County District Attorney's Office, the Federal Bureau of Investigations, and the City's hired consultant will share their intel with one another.
Maybe if the parties involve would just talk to one another, it would be a good start. However, we are not hearing much of anything from anyone. Are the Fullerton Officers at the scene on July 5th cooperating with ALL of the investigations? Are the agencies sharing information with each other? Are other "incidents" involving the FPD being investigated by the OCDA or FBI?
Lastly, something the book doesn't address is sharing information with the public.
Go ahead and keep us in the dark; we'll see how long that lasts!