That sentiment is echoed here. Moreover, Fullerton is similar to rest of the nation in that we continue to raise taxes and fees and still do not address the true cost to maintain our roads, water, sewer, and other parts of our crumbling infrastructure.
Although $8-million shy of being balanced the City of Fullerton has budgeted $66.6 million for FY2011-12 from the General Fund, the fund which the Council has the greatest control over. Most of that will go to cover salaries and benefits including pensions. Most of the revenue source for the General Fund comes from your property taxes and vehicle licensing fees.
Why does any of this matter you ask?
Because the City Council has allocated $0.00 from the General Fund to go towards the City's infrastructure. And I bet you thought your tax dollars were suppose to help pay for roads go into the infrastructure. No, that's not the way we operate in Fullerton.
The fact is, ALL of our $47.56-million infrastructure is paid for from two sources: 1) special fees such as your sanitation fees or water rates less the hidden tax of $2.5-million that goes into the General Fund, and 2) state or federal grants.
With State and Federal funds quickly drying up, it's only a matter of time before our grant funded repairs turn into unfunded replacement nightmares.
And for those interested to see how $66.6-million gets allocated to departments:
City Council: $384,207
City Manager: $869,142
Administrative Services: $1,708,157
Human Resources: $365,459
General Government: $630,470
Fire: $16,759,781
Police: $36,673,676
Community Development: $2,975,455
Engineering: $1,615,484
Maintenance Services: $4,659,910
Public Safety is 80.2% of the total fund leaving a mere $13,166,543 to cover the rest of the costs of operating our City.
And if you rank these based on percentage of budget:
Police 55.0%
Fire 25.2%
Maintenance Services 7.0%
Community Development 4.5%
Administrative Services 2.6%
Engineering 2.4%
City Manager 1.3%
Human Resources 0.5%
City Council 0.6%
General Government 0.9%
Clearly, the replacement and repair of our infrastructure has taken a backseat "other interests".
Footnote: I found the information above via the City's Meetings Live! page. Look for the budget as item 3 on the June 7th, 2011 a City Council agenda. The CIP information above was found in item 4 of the May 25th, 2011 Planning Commission Agenda. If you would like these emailed to you, send me an email at
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