Sunday morning brought with the drizzle my morning paper. On the cover of the OC Register was picture of Assemblyman Chris Norby from our own 72nd Assembly District in Steven Greenhut’s editorial. Interest rising, I pulled off the orange bag and read.
Clearly irritated, and rightly so, Greenhut used 976 words to pound the empty skulls of Orange County Republicans against the walls of their precious redevelopment agencies.
Norby was the only Republican to stand up and vote against the massive municipal tax shelter known better as redevelopment agencies. Unfortunately, the bill needed ONE MORE VOTE to pass! No other Republican was willing to stand up in the Assembly; not one!
I read Greenhut’s editorial with the bitterness of knowing my own party dropped the ball.
Greenhut wasted no ink getting to the point:
Republicans love to talk about limiting government, fighting bureaucracy and keeping taxes low, but March 17 they proved that this is nothing more than a rhetorical device. Given the opportunity to rein in the size and power of government in a tangible way, Assembly Republicans – with a sole exception – punted. They rallied to save some of the most abusive and wastrel government agencies around. California
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