I received the following email last week. Amazing timing!
March 10, 2011
Fullerton Residents and Employees,
We've all seen the recent news about the devastation experienced in New Zealand as a result of
the major earthquake in that country. Here in Southern California, we are overdue for a major
earthquake on one of our many faults – the San Andreas to the north of us and the Newport
Inglewood to the south in particular. Damage and calls for assistance will quickly overwhelm
emergency services here in Fullerton and the remainder of the region. Citizens like you can learn
to prepare for that “Big One” and NOT be part of the problem.
By becoming a member of CERT (Community Emergency Response Team – sponsored by
Fullerton Fire Department), you can learn to prepare yourself, your family and home for
emergencies as well as assist others after a major incident.
The next Academy for new CERT members will take place in April of 2011. The dates are the
consecutive Saturdays April 2, 9, 16. Each class is a full day session. Please consider becoming a
CERT Volunteer. For a better understanding of CERT and the process for becoming a member,
please visit the City of Fullerton website as shown:
City Services and then CERT Training in the alphabetical list. For further questions please feel
free to e-mail the CERT Training Officer as listed below.
Bob Leal
CERT Training Officer
www.cityoffullerton.com - Click on Shortcutsbobnwhitney@juno.com
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