
Tuesday, January 18, 2011

North OC and Fullerton Republicans well represented on the OC GOP Executive Board

The Republican Party of Orange County (OC GOP) Central Committee voted to place North Orange County and Fullerton representatives as Executive Officers of the Party.

Two Fullerton women are among those elected by the Central Committee to serve.  Zonya Townsend, a Registered Nurse and conservative activist, was elected Party Secretary.  I know Zonya well after working with her during the 2010 general elections.  Fullerton and Orange County Republicans are fortunate to have her service.

Another woman elected from Fullerton is the 72nd Assembly District Chair, Pat Shuff, for Assistant Treasurer.  Shuff has worked tirelessly for years on Republican campaigns in Fullerton and the North Orange County region.

The race for the Party's First Vice-Chair was not the blood-bath that some thought it might be.  After two rounds of voting, Villa Park Council Member Deborah Pauly walked away victorious.  Pauly is a well balanced conservative who understands where the Party was and where it needs to go.  If you have never had the opportunity to hear her speak, let me fill you in.  Deborah Pauly is on fire.  When she speaks to you it is with sincerity and integrity.  She knows how dirty the Good Ol' Boys Club is and is ready to take them on and reign them in.  I think there were many who were surprised last night by her win, 36 to Jon Fleischman's 33 votes.  It is far from a landslide victory and Deborah Pauly knows she has her work cut out for her.  She has to bridge the gap between the old establishment Republicans from which Fleischman came and the Tea Party activists who have always rallied behind her.

My friend, Allan Bartlett, did not do as well.  In the first round of voting he received 19 votes, not nearly enough to move on.  Allan has made as many enemies as he has friends, always unafraid to call people out on their BS and push for answers when no one else would.  His fearless criticism of the Party has earned him anger from many and praise from many more.  I am certain Allan will continue to voice his concerns and stir the minds of many.

OC GOP Chairman, Scott Baugh was elected again as the Party Chair despite the atmosphere of change.  As a new-comer to the Party's internal workings, I think Baugh has tried to keep the party together while it is trying to fracture from within.  Baugh is the consummate politician in that he bends to get things done, which often comes across as being weak when in fact he is demonstrating a certain type of strength.  Many of us see this as a bad trait or a even a character flaw.  However, I see it more as a tool for keeping the Party together and getting the job done.  I think Baugh chooses his battles carefully which has lead to what has arguably been a limited and somewhat successful term.

I am hopeful that the new officers will inject their personalities into their work and rebuild the Republican Party of Orange County.

For more on the Republican Party of Orange County, go to and

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