
Monday, January 17, 2011

DJ Siatt

In case you didn't get the memo, their is a new DJ in town, DJ Siatt!

Normally I wouldn't necessarily want to plug a DJ but this DJ is different.  DJ Siatt, a.k.a. Wyatt Sebourn, loves to make music on his computer.  He's new to DJing and new to blogging.  Oh, and did I mention he's only 13? 

Keep your ears open.  He'll be introducing and posting songs to his blog.


  1. When I started I had to use two walkie talkies and force one of my friends to stay outside and listen to me and may turntable with some cassette assistance.

  2. Way-2-go Siat ! I love music. That's fabulous that you've found an early interest in the art. My dad used to take me too see musical's since I was very young I remember. I ended also being a very good dancer. And, preformed quite a bit.
    david barron for L.A.citycouncil
