
Monday, January 17, 2011

California Assemblyman Chris Norby to speak at Fullerton CRA

This Thursday, Assemblyman Chris Norby will be speaking at the Fullerton Unit of the California Republican Assembly (CRA).  Norby represents several cities in North Orange County's 72nd Assembly District, including his home town of Fullerton. 

The CRA is encouraging all conservative constituents to attend this meeting.

Assemblyman Norby will be presenting "Sacramento: Looking into the great abyss"

Thursday, January 20th

Dinner 6:15 pm – 7 pm (on your own)
Meeting 7:00 pm -8:30 pm

Sizzler Restaurant
1401 North Harbor Bl.(Brea Bl.)
Fullerton California 92835

Questions: Please call Zonya Townsend 714 525-9441

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I want to meet Chris Norby. I too, advocate; if I'm elected I want to do everything I can to stop the practice of the mayor and city council from handing out hundreds of millions of our tax dollars to the politically connected businesses thru the Community Redevelopment Agency. And, repeal the City's business tax which is driving employers right out of town to the tune of 13.7% unemployment, the highest in the Nation.

    I'm candidate david barron for Los Angeles city council. Election is March 8, 2011.
