
Saturday, March 6, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010

The Old Guard

I had a meticulously thought out rant about the OCGOP, CRA, and old-school Republicans, a.k.a. “conservatives” but after reading it I decided to cut to the chase. It is time to retire the Old Guard of the Republican Party. They have gone off the reservation and are running amuck with hypocritical values and actions. Between the carpetbagging and the insincere threat against union-backed candidates, I’m done! It’s too depressing. To hell with all of them; may they find bedsores and incontinence at the old folk’s home when we vote them out of office.

Ok, maybe that was a bit too harsh…or maybe not. I hope the next time there is an election you will look very closely at the candidates and vote for someone who has NO endorsements from any of the old regime. Every time we put one of them into office, it comes back to bite us in the ass. Follow the money trail which can sometimes be done via the California Secretary of State’s website or other local and federal agencies.

In a day or two I will be posting a VERY long continuance to my interview with Bill Hunt, 2010 candidate for Orange County Sheriff. Please read every word of it. Not for me but for yourself, your family, Bill Hunt, and everyone else effected by dirty politics. Give your kids and spouse a kiss. Say a prayer. Give your pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. Do these every day and we just might climb out of the hole we have been led to believe is best for us.

Trig Star March 20, 2010 At Santiago Canyon College

Sponsored by the California Land Surveyor's Association, Santiago Canyon College, and the National Society of Professional Land Surveyors

High School Math Skill Award

The TrigStar Program Contest is an annual high school mathematics competition sponsored by the National Society of Professional Surveyors based on the practical application of Trigonometry. The program recognizes the best students from high schools throughout the nation.

The purpose of the TrigStar Program:
To promote the study of trigonometry in high school and to promote excellence in the mastery of trigonometry by honoring the individual student who has demonstrated superior skill among classmates at the High School level.

To acquaint the high school trigonometry students with the use and practical application of trigonometry in the surveying profession.

To build an awareness of surveying as a profession among the mathematically-skilled high school students, career guidance counselors and high school math teachers.

Trigstar Contest Levels:
Level 1 is given at local high schools. There is one winner from each participating high school.
Level 2 is the national test. The state winner from each participating state is eligible to compete for the National Trig-Star title
Local Awards
Local and State awards are provided by the local chapter or sponsors.

National Awards

National awards provided by the National Society of Professional Surveyors Richard E. Lomax
National Trig-Star and Teaching Excellence Awards

First place winner - $2,000.00 award
Second place winner - $1,000.00 award
Third place winner - $500.00 award

Click here for sample tests!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Labor Union Sponsors CRP Convention, Will OCGOP Denounce or Boycott?

With the California Republican Party's 2010 Spring Convention in Santa Clara coming up being sponsored in part by The Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriff’s, will OCGOP denounce and boycott the event considering the OCGOP chairman’s anti-union stance? 

From ALADS website:
“In 1983, ALADS affiliated with the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association, the AFL-CIO, and the Los Angeles County and California State Federations of Labor, moving us into the mainstream of organized working people working together. As a result, ALADS enjoys the strength of these bodies in its collective bargaining relationship with the County of Los Angeles and in its legislative efforts in Sacramento and Washington, D.C. ALADS leadership in dealing with the County on matters of salary, benefits and any other issues affecting working conditions is truly respected by all unions representing county employees.”

Consider the message we are sending if we attend? Are we going to follow through or quietly ignore the hypocrisy? Imagine the message we could send if we walk the way we talk.

California Statewide Law Enforcement Association
The Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs"

My instincts are telling me OCGOP Chairman Scott Baugh will do nothing even though the whole idea of the OCGOP not backing any canidate who receives support from any union was his idea! 

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Bill Hunt On Marijuana and States' Rights

March 1, Friends For Fullerton's Future's Travis Kiger, Fullerton businessman Larry Lazar and myself sat down with Bill Hunt, 2010 candidate for Orange County Sheriff. The roundtable discussion was an opportunity to ask some important questions that we think are on the minds of voters. No topic was off-limits.

We will share with you what Hunt had to say about Marijuana, concealed weapon permits (CCW), citizen oversight, DUI checkpoints, illegal immigration, Sandra Hutchens, Craig Hunter, emerging technology, OC political insiders, controversial endorsement by Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, OC jail reform, and dealing with federal agencies.

The lengthy discussion yielded too much information for us to share with you all at once, so we will be breaking it down into topics of interest. For that matter, we will not be spelling out every single word said only because this series of posts would soon turn into a full-length novel.

First Impressions
To my surprise, Bill Hunt arrived by himself with no handlers or henchmen. As our discussion progressed, it was clear why he came alone. Bill Hunt told us that he does not need anyone reminding him of where he stands on any issue. In fact, he didn’t lay out his talking points or any of the shenanigans that you might expect a typical politician to do. Hunt is an energetic man who has spent a tremendous amount of time and thought on the development of his platform and studying what lays ahead for his political race and the Sheriff’s Department. He is well-read and seems to possess new perspectives and insight on old problems. Bill Hunt clearly has an in depth knowledge of the crisis that faces the Sheriff’s Department and jail system. He presented some out-of-the-box innovations, leaving us with the hope that he would serve the People well.

Bill Hunt on Marijuana
No, the South County candidate for sheriff isn’t ON marijuana but we did ask him about the subject. Bill made it clear that he isn’t in favor of legalizing pot but that he respects the will of the people.

GS: “If you are elected sheriff and the DEA came into OC and asked OCSD to help shut down medical marijuana dispensaries, would you oblige them with support?”

BH: “No. I would prevent them, it’s unconstitutional! I’m not an advocate for legalizing marijuana but on the other hand the sheriff is elected to enforce state laws. So, if I’m elected sheriff to this county enforcing state law and I’m using federal law to circumvent state law, then I’m not really being true to my office and my oath of office. The sheriff can prevent the feds from coming in and doing that.”

Hunt goes on to say, “Medical marijuana is legal within certain parameters, just like alcohol is. If a kid is drinking alcohol or if you’re drunk driving, it’s a violation of law and we’ll enforce it. The same thing with people who extend beyond the legal limits of medical marijuana, we’ll enforce that. But we [law enforcement] can’t be taking a vendetta just because the general consensus in law enforcement is they [law enforcement officers] don’t like it. The public has already ruled. Now, I think it’s a zoning problem, a business problem, not a law enforcement problem. The cities need to get together and regulate it just like they tattoo shops and bars just like their CUP’s [conditional use permits] provide. It’s a regulatory issue, I think, right now more than law enforcement.”

(This story has also been released here by FFFF. Special thanks to Travis Kiger, Tony Bushala, and Bill Hunt for arranging the meeting.)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Bill Hunt on The Blog Talk Radio Show Tonight at 7PM

"The Blog Talk Radio Show"

Join OC Sheriff's Candidate Bill Hunt and Sheriff Richard Mack, the man who challenged the Constitutionality of the Brady Bill winning a major Supreme Court victory for State's rights as they discuss the importance of a Constitutional Sheriff.

Live, Tuesday, March 2nd at 7:00 pm
(646) 378-1643

The show can also be accessed at keithbroaders/2010/03/03/the- power-of-the-county-sheriff
**Please call a few minutes ahead of the scheduled starting time**

An Interview With Bill Hunt for O.C. Sheriff

Coming soon:

Last night I had a unique opportunity to sit down and speak with Bill Hunt, 2010 candidate for Orange County Sheriff.

I am working on compiling my notes from the 2-1/2 hour interview. I will have the first in a series of stories posted in the next 24 hours.

Bill looks back on his past experiences, the present race for Sheriff, and the future for the department.

Stay connected...

Monday, March 1, 2010

Teen Pot Use Linked To Psychoses

(from CBS News)
Australian Researchers Have Identified A Possible Link Between Long-Term Marijuana Use And Psychoses in Young People

(CBS) An Australian study of nearly 4,000 young people has found a possible link between long-term marijuana use and increased risk of hallucinations, delusions and other psychoses.

In the study, whose findings were released Monday, March 1, 2010, and published in the journal Archives of General Psychiatry, researchers at the University of Queensland followed 3,801 people born in Brisbane between 1981 and 1984.

About 17.7 percent reported using cannabis for three or fewer years, 16.2 percent for four to five years and 14.3 percent for six or more years.

Those who had six or more years of use were twice as likely as those who never used cannabis to develop a psychosis, such as schizophrenia, and four times as likely to get high scores in clinical tests of delusion.

Of the 1,272 subjects who had never used marijuana, 26 (2 percent) were diagnosed with psychosis. Of the 322 who had used it for six years or more, 12 (3.7 percent) were diagnosed with the illness.

The authors point out that further study is needed as their research did not take into account such factors as family history and a predisosition to psychosis before marijuana use began.

For more details see The Archives of General Psychiatry.