
Thursday, March 4, 2010

Labor Union Sponsors CRP Convention, Will OCGOP Denounce or Boycott?

With the California Republican Party's 2010 Spring Convention in Santa Clara coming up being sponsored in part by The Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriff’s, will OCGOP denounce and boycott the event considering the OCGOP chairman’s anti-union stance? 

From ALADS website:
“In 1983, ALADS affiliated with the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association, the AFL-CIO, and the Los Angeles County and California State Federations of Labor, moving us into the mainstream of organized working people working together. As a result, ALADS enjoys the strength of these bodies in its collective bargaining relationship with the County of Los Angeles and in its legislative efforts in Sacramento and Washington, D.C. ALADS leadership in dealing with the County on matters of salary, benefits and any other issues affecting working conditions is truly respected by all unions representing county employees.”

Consider the message we are sending if we attend? Are we going to follow through or quietly ignore the hypocrisy? Imagine the message we could send if we walk the way we talk.

California Statewide Law Enforcement Association
The Association for Los Angeles Deputy Sheriffs"

My instincts are telling me OCGOP Chairman Scott Baugh will do nothing even though the whole idea of the OCGOP not backing any canidate who receives support from any union was his idea! 

1 comment:

  1. I attempted to post this on the OCGOPAction site but the moderators decided against it and continue their own hypocritical stance on unions.
