
Friday, March 5, 2010

The Old Guard

I had a meticulously thought out rant about the OCGOP, CRA, and old-school Republicans, a.k.a. “conservatives” but after reading it I decided to cut to the chase. It is time to retire the Old Guard of the Republican Party. They have gone off the reservation and are running amuck with hypocritical values and actions. Between the carpetbagging and the insincere threat against union-backed candidates, I’m done! It’s too depressing. To hell with all of them; may they find bedsores and incontinence at the old folk’s home when we vote them out of office.

Ok, maybe that was a bit too harsh…or maybe not. I hope the next time there is an election you will look very closely at the candidates and vote for someone who has NO endorsements from any of the old regime. Every time we put one of them into office, it comes back to bite us in the ass. Follow the money trail which can sometimes be done via the California Secretary of State’s website or other local and federal agencies.

In a day or two I will be posting a VERY long continuance to my interview with Bill Hunt, 2010 candidate for Orange County Sheriff. Please read every word of it. Not for me but for yourself, your family, Bill Hunt, and everyone else effected by dirty politics. Give your kids and spouse a kiss. Say a prayer. Give your pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. Do these every day and we just might climb out of the hole we have been led to believe is best for us.

1 comment:

  1. Did you see the story last week about the anti homosexual Ca. state senator that got busted driving drunk on his way home from a gay night club? His name is Roy Ashburn.

    Ashburn, a father of four, is a Republican Senator representing parts of Kern, Tulare and San Bernardino Counties, with a history of opposing gay rights."

    Hypocrite, just like Larry Craig who has a bathroom named after him in the Minneapolis Airport.

    Roy probably supports DUI check points and funding for such things.

    I have nothing against gay people, just the ones that are gay but hide behind their rhetoric of spreading hatred of gay people.

    Guys, get a room.
