
Thursday, June 7, 2012

Council Member-Elect

Now that I am finally getting caught up on emails and phone calls, I want to express my gratitude to my supporters and the voters of Fullerton who cast their ballots for me to be your newest City Council Member.
You walked the precincts, made phone calls, spoke with your friends, made t-shirts, wore t-shirts (I have a few left if you would like one), and donated your time, money, and energy to help me win!  You represented me when I could not be everywhere all the time.

You cast your vote for me.  You believe in my vision of open, honest, and transparent government.

Thank you!

I have a deep and profound respect for the public trust that has been placed upon my shoulders which I do not take lightly.  To the voters who voted for Jane, Rick, or Paula, I hope we can find common ground from which we can work.  As your council member, I represent all of Fullerton.  Let's make the most of it - Fullerton is OUR home. 

Greg Sebourn

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Fullerton Recall Election Results

Shall F. Richard "Dick" Jones be recalled (removed) from the office of City Council Member?
Completed Precincts: 87 of 87
Vote CountPercentage

For Member of the City Council Candidates to succeed F. Richard "Dick" Jones
Completed Precincts: 87 of 87
Vote CountPercentage
TRAVIS KIGER6,87355.5%
ROBERTA J. REID1,0748.7%

Shall Pat McKinley be recalled (removed) from the office of City Council Member?
Completed Precincts: 87 of 87
Vote CountPercentage

For Member of the City Council Candidates to succeed Pat McKinley
Completed Precincts: 87 of 87
Vote CountPercentage
DOUG CHAFFEE5,45142.3%
MATTHEW ROWE2,77521.5%

Shall Don Bankhead be recalled (removed) from the office of City Council Member?
Completed Precincts: 87 of 87
Vote CountPercentage

For Member of the City Council Candidates to succeed Don Bankhead
Completed Precincts: 87 of 87
Vote CountPercentage
GREG SEBOURN5,14340.5%
JANE RANDS3,34026.3%
RICK ALVAREZ2,82922.3%

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Election Day - June 5, 2012

Today is the June 5th election that Fullerton voters have been waiting for.  Please take a few minutes to hit the polls and cast your ballot.

On a similar note I want to share with you some of what I saw throughout the campaign.

First of all, I believe that ALL of the replacement candidates ran a clean and honest campaign.  I know many of my signs were taken but do not believe that any of the candidates took them.  Throughout the campaign all of my interactions with other candidates were congenial and professional.  I tip my hat to all of them for their willingness to step up and represent their city.

Leading up to today I have heard a small minority blindly lay the blame for for the Fullerton Recall on Tony Bushala.  Blaming Bushala for the council majority's collective failings is tantamount to a child blaming their parent for scolding them after being caught with their hand in the cookie jar.  It just goes to show the depth of denial that some people have when it comes to failed leadership.

It also is a prime example of deflecting responsibility.  Instead of defending themselves and showing that, somehow, Tony Bushala is wrong, they chose to just cross their arms and pout about how mean Tony is for calling them out as poor leaders.

So, while many might think the Fullerton Recall is about Tony Bushala, the fact remains that it was Don Bankhead, Pat McKinley, and Dick Jones who saddled Fullerton taxpayers and water ratepayers with $27 million in illegal overcharges (they're still over charging us!) for the last 15 years, cultivated and protected the culture of corruption that lead to the beating death of Kelly Thomas, gave hundreds of millions of your tax dollars to out of town developers to build low-income apartments around Downtown Fullerton, dozens and dozens of bars in Downtown Fullerton, and MORE THAN $1.2 BILLION OF DEBT!!!!!

Blaming Tony Bushala for these huge failures in leadership by the City Council majority is wrong.  Larry Bennett, the Recall No manager, is more culpable as a Fullerton Planning Commissioner than Tony Bushala, a private citizen.  Yet Bennett's own campaign continues to ignore the failed leadership and has actively campaigned to maintain the status quo by blaming Tony Bushala.

Today, I ask that you weigh the City's future, our massive debts, the culture of corruption, and the overwhelming failure to lead by the council majority and vote YES ON THE FULLERTON RECALL!