
Monday, April 2, 2012

Fast Facts About Fullerton

Here are a few fast facts about Fullerton:

400 - the number of years it will take to replace that water line in the street (current replacement cycle should be 6 miles per year on 50-year cycle)
547.6 - millions of dollars of pension liability (CAFR 2011, page 69)
657.9 - millions of dollars of Redevelopment Agency liability (March 20, 2011 agenda item 6: "PROPOSED THIRD AMENDMENT TO ENFORCEABLE OBLIGATION PAYMENT")
91 - the percentage of increase in water rates proposed by City of Fullerton May 23, 2011
2,000 - approximate dollars paid per month in daily stipends to Councilman Bankhead as a Director on the Orange County Water District Board (City Council Agenda Item 12, April 3, 2012)
27 - millions of dollars skimmed since 1997 from the Water Fund to pay for salaries and benefits of employees not associated with the water department  (Public Records Request data from Julia James, Administrative Services Director, City of Fullerton)
2.7 - millions of dollars the City plans to skim June 2012 (Based on Adopted Budget FY2011-2012)
64 - days left for you to decide if you want to change any of these numbers (Recall Election June 5, 2012)


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