
Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Water Rate Hike Hearing...Will you be heard?

Tonight the Fullerton City Council will take up, among many issues, water rate hikes.

I oppose the so-called "pass-through" rate increase for a few reasons.

First, the pass-through is supposed to pass along rate increases imposed on Fullerton by the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) and the Orange County Water District (OCWD).  Fullerton passes the increase to YOU 6 MONTHS BEFORE MWD or OCWD actually increase their rates.  If it isn't illegal, it should be.  At the very least, it is unethical.

Second, the MWD is neck deep in a law suit by the San Diego County Water Authority which is alleging that MWD staff together with some of the staff of MWD's member agencies (like Fullerton) have created a "Secret Society" that meets behind closed doors to develop policies and manipulate water rate increases.  

Third, the MWD is raising their rates to help cover $6,000 bonuses for ALL employees, raises that will amount to nearly 6%, and two new pay grades.  And for those who will think I'm picking on the poor defenseless public employee, let me remind you that all public employees work for ratepayers/taxpayers.  These bonuses and raises are being pushed onto water consumers without their input or approval.  The increases are coming in the midst of the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression.

Water is not like any other commodity.  We have no choice which water agency hooks up to our water meters.  It is of the greatest importance that those services which have monopolies over taxpayers are regulated sufficiently to ensure that they are free of corruption and malfeasance.  Taxpayers must be assured that they are receiving the highest level of service at a reasonable and sustainable rate.

Please attend the City Council meeting at 6:30PM at City Hall.  

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