
Saturday, February 11, 2012

North OC Fire Authority? Tri-City Fire Authority?

Yes.  For the last several years Fullerton Fire Chief Wolfgang Knabe has been working on merging the command staff of Fullerton's and Brea's Fire Departments.  Those efforts came to fruition last year with Chief Knabe being appointed as Fire Chief of both cities.  No, he doesn't get two pay checks.

The next step, actually merging several fire departments, began to take shape with the Anaheim City Council voting earlier this week to continue studying what it would mean to the participating cities, Orange, Anaheim, and Fullerton. 

The OC Register has a write-up on it here...

Will the police departments do something similar?


  1. Did you know that Anaheim Firefighters have always paid the max 9% into their pensions and for 15 years the City paid NOTHING? Amazing how the mayor depicts them as the demons when the employees were doing the right thing. Did the City invest that money? No, more wasteful spending. If they had invested the money, a 3 year low in the economy would not have been an issue. In fact, 3 years of increased city pension cost would have been no deal because they should have had 15 years worth put aside! Remember, their contributions drop back down soon because Calpers recovered well. If the City were managed accordingly, we would see fruitful reserves. You seem like one of those guys who vilifies the public employee without doing any substantial research. Did you also know that overtime costs the city less money than hiring new employees (1.8 vs. 1.5 cost). Many of the guys do not want to work that much. They don't have cushy jobs like you where you can see your family every night. I don't do their job, but I know it must be tough being away from their family as much as they are. Yes, they enjoy the extra money, but it comes at a personal cost and it saves the City a great deal of money!!!! Stop demonizing firefighters and cops. If you want to see more effective and efficient spending, focus on getting rid of the government fat. Also, why don't you see how much wasteful spending the mayor's office partakes in? Cops keep us safe and firefighter's save lives. Just because you don't see them doing their job on a daily basis, does not mean they are not in someone else's home making a difference. Start researching!

  2. Interesting that you chose to attack me for posting a link to the OC Register's story and nothing more. I didn't even insert my opinion and yet you chose to go on the attack. That says a lot about your character.

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