
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Fullerton City Staff Mislead Ratepayers and Officials

I am disappointed, though not surprised, at the misleading information provided by the City of Fullerton staff to ratepayers including the Fullerton City Council and members of the Water Rate Study Ad Hoc Committee.

As a ratepayer, Chair of the Citizens Infrastructure Review Committee, and member of the ad hoc committee I hold the Water System Manager, David Schickling, responsible for making misleading comparisons with water rates paid by Placentia rate payers to Golden State Water Company and those payed by Fullerton's ratepayers to Fullerton.

Whether accidental or intentional, the misleading information, in the form of a chart that was provided to the City Council, the Water Rate Study Ad Hoc Committee, and the Orange County Register, clearly made Fullerton's water rates look conveniently low and and increase in rates that much more palatable.

The City of Fullerton has had a very difficult time accounting for and explaining how the Water Fund is distributed to other City departments. explained the double and triple dippings by City department heads and staff well here.  There are similar issues with Fullerton's Sewer Fee and Sanitation Fee which I have written about here.

From the start I have asked for an honest and accurate assessment of the true cost of operating these systems and services with these special funds.

To date, city staff have not been able to articulate the true cost of operating the water system.  Instead, I have been handed charts and graphs with questionable data from questionable sources.

Fullerton water customers have a right to know these costs and the City of Fullerton is obligated to provide them.

Until this water fiasco can be quantified and qualified, I cannot envision any unjustifiable rate increases.   

If you are concerned about your tax dollars and the integrity of the City of Fullerton, I urge you to attend all of the up-coming water rate meetings.

Tentative Schedule of Public Meetings:
February 8, Citizens Infrastructure Review Committee meeting, 4:30PM at City Hall
March (exact date to be determined), City Council Meeting, 6:00PM at City Hall (vote to give notice to ratepayers of proposed rate increase)

Additional meetings may be scheduled.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks to Golden State Water and the Orange County Register for bringing the misleading information to light.
