
Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Incestuous Cycle of Politics: Cities Lobbying State Government

by Allen Wilson for

Do cities hire their own lobbyists? Yes, they do, and the alarming information was found at the Secretary of State's website.

We continue to hear about various cities scrambling for revenues to fund municipal obligations such as public safety, parks and recreation, programs designed to meet the expectations of the residents in any given community.

Taxpayers may not be aware that some of those revenues are allocated to consultants who serve as lobbyists with "in-house" shops in the capital of Sacramento.

According to the California Government Code Section 86116 and 86116.5:
All state and local agencies that file reports pursuant to Sections 86115 and 86116 shall disclose, except for overhead expenses, all payment of two hundred fifty dollars ($250) or more made in a reporting period...

The disclosed quarterly reports are filed with the Secretary of State and turn up these startling statistics:
  • The City of Diamond Bar spent $204,707.94 on lobbying activity performed by Joe Gonsalves and Son  for 2009-2010.
  • 55 cities had lobbying activity performed by Joe Gonsalves and Son for 2009-2010.
  • The City of Fullerton spent $120,000 on lobbying activity performed by Townsend Public Affairs in Irvine for 2009-2010.
  • 16 cities had lobbying activity performed by Townsend Public Affairs for 2009-2010.
What do these lobbyists do on behalf of cities? The cities hire lobbyists for the purpose of supporting or defeating pending legislation under consideration in the Assembly or Senate.

And the hiring of lobbyists doesn't stop with cities. Special districts, community college districts and even redevelopment agencies hire them as well, all on the taxpayers dime.

It makes so many wonder with this sobering question: "Who is minding City Hall with regards to the expenditure of taxpayer dollars on lobbying activity?"

So, the next time you are at city council meeting it is best to ask your councilmembers with these questions:
Why is OUR city hiring a lobbyist?
Is our local Assemblymember and Senator fighting for OUR interests?

The answers will surprise you!


Important note:
Allen Wilson volunteered countless hours of his time for my 2010 City Council campaign.


Oppose unfair licensing requirements and costly regulations all designed to generate revenue, a.k.a. NEW TAXES!!!

After more than 30 years, the California Department of Fish and Game is trying to require recreational fishermen to purchase a fishing license (a.k.a. PAY TAXES) to catch privately stocked fish (currently NOT taxed) on private property (already paying property taxes) as well as at private fee for fishing lakes (small businesses) - and proposing, unnecessary and very costly regulations that will be mandated for every fresh water hatchery, fish farm and nearly anybody that purchases and stocks fish in California.

Such regulations will put small business owners who stock fishing holes out of business - and deny access to recreational fishing! Without affordable local fishing, how long will it be before all the fish in California are GONE?  Will Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts ever be able to earn their respective merit badges?

Please contact Governor Jerry Brown and the Department of Fish and Game today. Let them know that California's economy can't afford this plan! To do this, visit CARF's "Take Action" page. Your voice needs to be heard - it's quick and easy - and VERY IMPORTANT!

PS: Attention fee for fishing lake operators - visit the "Take Action" page to learn how you can help too.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

North Orange County ROP to Close Classes

After nearly 60 years, the North OC Regional Occupation Program (NOCROP) has decided to close, among others courses, the machine shop at Western High School.  Despite growing enrollment and industry needs the class will be no more after this semester. 

We can now officially kiss manufacturing good by in OC. 


Fullerton Water Rates - Be Heard Tonight!

With California’s drought officially over, many are wondering why Fullerton’s appointed and elected leadership are planning on nearly doubling water rates. 

Tonight at 6:30PM at City Hall (303 W. Commonwealth Ave.) city staff and leaders will be discussing the need to repair the City’s aging water system and how best to pay for these much needed repairs.  If left to their own devices, city leadership will nearly double water rates.  Compounding the problem, the same plan includes massive tax bonds at great expense to our children’s future.

Please come out and let City Hall know that you tired of their tax-and-spend attitude.  The Orange County Register reported yesterday that we are headed into a double-dip recession, the worst recession since the start of the Great Depression and we just can’t afford to pay more taxes.

Did you know that the City charges each water user a 10% tax (franchise tax) within your water bill?  That money goes into “programs” and management overhead but should be going back into the water system.  Unfortunately, this mismanagement of prioritizing funding is business-as-usual and will surely continue unless YOU step up and SPEAK at City Hall tonight.

As you may know, I will not be able to attend the “workshop” until late in the evening because of a city commission on which I serve.   That means I need your help in voicing our disapproval and opposition for the City’s plan to raise water rates. 

We all agree that water should be one of City Hall’s highest priorities but taxing us out of our homes and community just isn’t the answer.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

County Employees Payed for PR Video Attack on Costa Mesa Mayor

According to the Orange County Register, the Orange County Employees Association (OCEA) paid to produce a video attacking Costa Mesa Mayor, Gary Monohan, after the suicide of former Costa Mesa employee, Huy Pham. 

As a former Orange County employee I am glad my paycheck is no longer garnished for PR stunts like this.

OCEA is attempting to implicate Monohan in Pham's suicide because Monohan chose not to go to the scene of the unfortunate death where other emotionally charged employees were gathering. It is truly sad that Pham believed suicide was his best option and it certainly would appear that Monohan's choice to stay at work (he owns an Irish pub in town) on St. Patrick's Day was in bad taste.  However, it does not mean that Monohan has to somehow answer for the suicide of Pham. 

Pham was responsible for his own untimely and very sad death.

The issue of responsibility seems to have escaped the producers of the video as well as the group who would like to bring back all of the former employees and remove most of the Costa Mesa City Council.

Monohan had a responsibility to his family, employees, and customers to stay at work and not go to the scene of the suicide where hostilities against the mayor were brewing.  St. Patrick's Day is by far the single busiest day for any Irish pub.  It would be like Kobe Bryant missing the championship because a former pool maintenance worker that he had never met committed suicide.  Yes, unfortunate and perhaps tasteless, but Monohan acted responsibly.

Find more about this HERE.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Middle school student makes music video, asks for donations to Red Cross

This video was made by an Orange County 8th grade student who wanted to do something to help the Japanese in their time of need.  The student created the video and music with vocals by "Carla Criptic" ofthe Bay Area. 

Out of Control Gun Control, Part 3

Over the weekend, the Mexican attorney general stated: "The controlled trafficking of weapons is not authorized under the Mexican national legislation. An operation that would contemplate this would not have been acceptable to the Mexican government, and it will never be under any circumstance." The Mexican Attorney General also stated that it's conducting its own investigation to identify "the crimes that could have been carried out on Mexican territory."
You know our country is in bad shape when we need the Attorney General of MEXICO to help us get to the bottom of our own governments' corruption.

I would imagine if there were tons of contraband crossing into the U.S. everyday, our own U.S. Attorney General, Eric Holder, would be equally outraged...but he isn't.

OC Company Heads to Texas

The OC Register is reporting that home healthcare provider AccentCare is moving its corporate headquarters from Irvine to Dallas, according to the owner of the property where AccentCare has signed a lease for 33,000 square feet of space.

AccentCare is one of the nation’s fastest growing healthcare companies with more than 130 locations in California, New York, Ohio, Washington, Arizona, Oregon, Colorado, Texas, Georgia and Tennessee.

California seems to be leading the nation as having the fastest shrinking job market by chasing away employers.

Read the complete article HERE.

Greenhut slaps the GOP

Sunday morning brought with the drizzle my morning paper.  On the cover of the OC Register was picture of Assemblyman Chris Norby from our own 72nd Assembly District in Steven Greenhut’s editorial.  Interest rising, I pulled off the orange bag and read.

Clearly irritated, and rightly so, Greenhut used 976 words to pound the empty skulls of Orange County Republicans against the walls of their precious redevelopment agencies. 

Norby was the only Republican to stand up and vote against the massive municipal tax shelter known better as redevelopment agencies.  Unfortunately, the bill needed ONE MORE VOTE to pass!  No other Republican was willing to stand up in the Assembly; not one!

I read Greenhut’s editorial with the bitterness of knowing my own party dropped the ball. 

Greenhut wasted no ink getting to the point:
California Republicans love to talk about limiting government, fighting bureaucracy and keeping taxes low, but March 17 they proved that this is nothing more than a rhetorical device. Given the opportunity to rein in the size and power of government in a tangible way, Assembly Republicans – with a sole exception – punted. They rallied to save some of the most abusive and wastrel government agencies around.

I’m disappointed in my party.  Time and again they prove to be the party of tax and spend.  On the issue of taxation and limited government they have proven to be a toothless, all-bark-and-no-bite, organization.