Oppose unfair licensing requirements and costly regulations all designed to generate revenue, a.k.a. NEW TAXES!!!
After more than 30 years, the California Department of Fish and Game is trying to require recreational fishermen to purchase a fishing license (a.k.a. PAY TAXES) to catch privately stocked fish (currently NOT taxed) on private property (already paying property taxes) as well as at private fee for fishing lakes (small businesses) - and proposing, unnecessary and very costly regulations that will be mandated for every fresh water hatchery, fish farm and nearly anybody that purchases and stocks fish in California.
Such regulations will put small business owners who stock fishing holes out of business - and deny access to recreational fishing! Without affordable local fishing, how long will it be before all the fish in California are GONE? Will Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts ever be able to earn their respective merit badges?
Please contact Governor Jerry Brown and the Department of Fish and Game today. Let them know that California's economy can't afford this plan! To do this, visit CARF's "Take Action" page. Your voice needs to be heard - it's quick and easy - and VERY IMPORTANT!
To learn more how these new plans threaten your favorite fishing hole and jobs, visit http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?llr=weyj8qeab&et=1104986341688&s=71&e=001w0DtEcem7yv7kcCoIUDCSd6Tc9iepJVm47Ak3kHYNLdVjNd4aNowjpljuPCp-tUp3dZigOR7qU6hHtDAE-ZnjX08MPUSDDDhTwLKIvQKTMfyQYW-z4ojNA==.
PS: Attention fee for fishing lake operators - visit the "Take Action" page to learn how you can help too.
What's next? If I raise game birds and want to later eat them I have to get a game hunting license? If I raise fish in a tank I don't have to have a license to dip a net in and get a fish but if burry that tank in the ground and make a sport of it with a rod and reel, I have to buy a license?
ReplyDeleteDid you hear that your niece caught a fish?