The alleged perpetrator is identified as a male, possibly Asian, wearing a white tank top with tattoos on both arms. He approached the victims seeking their signature on a petition, which he carried in a metal case.
Should you be approached by this individual or any solicitor who does not have a Rio Hondo College permit, please contact security at (562) 463-3490.
ReplyDeleteDear Campus Community:
For your information, the suspect in Friday’s sexual battery incidents has been apprehended and arrested by local law enforcement.
He had returned to campus again today and was seeking petition signatures again in the open-air breezeway.
Please continue to be aware of your surroundings at all times.
Solicitors, even those with permits, are not permitted to roam campus. Solicitors seeking signatures on petitions will be assigned a fixed location, with a table, after they obtain a permit. Please do not engage in conversation with anyone seeking your signature or attempting to enter into conversation with you about petitions.