
Monday, July 18, 2011

A message from Open Coyote Hills

I received this message from Mr. Bob Hayden from Open Coyote Hills and thought you should be equally informed.  I agree with Open Coyote Hills that the City of Fullerton and the region's residents will all benefit from this relatively small development.  I hope you will NOT sign any petition that would jeopardize nearly 30 years of work to open the area to the public. 

Let's OPEN COYOTE HILLS and enjoy the trails NOW!!!

As you are aware the plan was approved by a 4-1 vote on Tuesday evening by our City Council. This will bring many benefits at no taxpayer expense. These public benefits include: 283 additional acres of restored open space, 5 vista parks, 10 miles of trails and an interpretive center as part of the 72-acre Robert E. Ward Nature Preserve. The Council's action also changed the zoning to allow for low-density housing and open space. The zone change would mean that oil or gas production would no longer be permitted on the property.

Since the vote on Tuesday evening we have become aware that the "Friends of Coyote Hills" -- a 501c3 organization -- has announced through their website their intention to collect signatures for a referendum on the City Council decision. The Open Coyote Hills Steering Committee is reviewing this and will keep you posted on further developments.

For now let me encourage you to not sign any petitions and ask that you encourage your family, friends and neighbors to refrain from signing petitions as well. It is our understanding that an election to vote on a referendum of this type would cost our city $90,000 - $200,000 in a time when the city is already financially strapped.
Our focus continues to be on informing and educating our fellow Fullertonians. Based on the results from our efforts to date we are confident that when our families, friends and neighbors know the real facts about this proposed plan they will support the project. We welcome your thoughts and suggestions on how to inform our broader community.

We appreciate your efforts.


Bob Hayden

The Open Coyote Hills Steering Committee:
Bob Hayden, Molly McClanahan, Chris Heusser,
Rick Crane, Jack Dean, Debra Pember,
Tom and Kate Dalton


Message to Mr. Hayden:  You can add my name to this list of supporters!

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