
Thursday, June 30, 2011

Fullerton School Board Member Sets Record Straight

Fullerton School Board Member Chris Thompson was given an opportunity to refute claims made in the Fullerton Observer.  Those visiting this blog know I take them to task just about as often as they can print issues.  Thompson's remarks are at, a local website.

Thompson speaks openly and plainly about the teachers' association which he feels is causing more harm to students than good. 

Although I'm a card-carrying member of the California Teachers Association (CTA), I completely agree with Thompson's notion that the CTA spent $211 million dollars "with a primary mission of supporting candidates and causes dedicated to protecting the worst teachers in the state."

It has been my experience that the CTA is a huge distraction from what teachers are supposed to do- TEACH! 

Thompson has his work cut out for him.  Concerned about where my neighborhood elementary school was headed, I pulled my children out and have chosen to send them to a private school.  It isn't cheap but it gives me a piece of mind knowing that my children are in small classes with a very close group of families. 

I was frustrated with what I call "an eccentric multi-age classroom" that seems to be all the rage.  In some circles these multi-age classrooms are wonderful options for their children to blossom.  I, however, look at it as extremely difficult working environment for the teachers and a poor learning environment for the older children.  There were other issues as well, such as the significant amount of time preparing to take state exams instead of teaching; exam prep and teaching are not the same thing.

Back to Chris...  I know Chris Thompson can come across sounding mean or harsh sometimes, but consider the battle he is waging on our behalf and you may understand his frustration and ire.  I admire Thompson's willingness to speak up and speak out when the rest of the Board is complacent handing out awards. 

It's too bad the Fullerton Joint High School District doesn't have a trustee with that same fire to do what is right.

My message to Chris Thompson is simple:  Keep fighting!  You work for us and you have not forgotten. Thank you!

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