
Thursday, April 7, 2011

Is No News Good News?

Based on the headlines from the Orange County Register, it appears Fullerton is no longer being covered unless the story fits into real estate, grocery shopping, arts/culture, special deals (like free ice cream or glasses), or other touchy-feel-good category

As President Obama says in nearly EVERY speech he gives, "Let me be clear".  News comes in all shapes and sizes and the aforementioned topics deserve a spot somewhere in our local paper.  However, when 90%+ of our paper is acompilation of stories that lack substantive content, you are missing the News. 

Here are this week's headlines (Saturday 4/2-today) in the Register:
What's on sale? Your grocery deals this week
Hillcrest Park plan moves ahead
Girls Inc. leader is honored for service
Angels ticket and train for $7 roundtrip
Mayor emphasizes business in State of City
O.C. teams prep for Science Olympiad finals
3 weekend dining ideas
Only a handful might be considered substantive.  The rest are ok for fillers and the back page human interest columns but where's the real news?  Serious crimes occur daily in Fullerton and there is rarely a mention unless someone dies.  The Fullerton Police blotter is a partial list and even it paints a clearer picture of Fullerton than does the current reporting from the OC Register. 

1 comment:

  1. It looks like all of those stories could have been submitted to the paper as press releases.

    The papers love these because then they don't have to have an actual news person that covers your town. They just copy and paste.
