
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Out of Control Gun Control

According to various media including CBS, the ATF allowed guns to be purchased in the U.S. by know drug cartel members and transported into Mexico. 

ATF field agents notified superiors of what was happening and were told to stand down.

This “stand-down” policy contributed heavily to the problem of U.S. guns in the hands of the drug cartels, the main reason cited by the Whitehouse for seeking to revise gun control laws.
In essence you have a White House initiative or agenda to disarm a nation and when more data is needed to support an otherwise baseless claim, you order law enforcement to stand-down from doing their job so that a new problem can blossom. 

Ok, maybe it isn’t quite so cut and dry.  Maybe President Obama didn’t tell Napolitano to tell her agents to stand-down.  But even absent a smoking gun (yes, a lame pun), it certainly calls into question the operational policies of our federal law enforcement agencies. 

The federal law enforcement and investigative agents I have known over the years have all been committed to protecting the U.S.  They have all been well trained and educated.  The last thing field agents need is for management to handcuff (yes, another lame pun) their enforcement duties.  If management feels a law is unenforceable, seek to have the law amended or abolished.

As liberal gun control advocates seek to disarm lawful U.S. citizens by creating new laws that are even more restrictive, we must recognize that current laws are under enforced at all levels. 

Until current gun control laws are fully and fairly enforced by field agents with the support of their respective supervisors and prosecutors, the legislature and White House should steer clear of proposing new restrictions that will soon fail from lack of enforcement. 

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