
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Phil Liberatore's Show Moves To KABC 790AM

Phil Liberatore's radio show, Liberty Speaks, has moved!  In an email blast to fans, friends, and supporters, Phil says:

A new year brings new things. Liberty Speaks has a new home, time, and day!  Liberty Speaks can now be heard on KABC 790 on Saturday nights at 5:00 PM.

Liberty Speaks exists to "Proclaim liberty throughout all the land..." and to help bring our country back to the constitutional liberties our founding fathers intended for all of us.

I am excited about the opportunity to grow our listening audience on KABC Talk Radio 790, directly following Larry Elder's new program Larry and the Law.  This week we will have three outstanding guests, Andrew Brietbart, Robert Davi, and Stephen K. Bannon.

Join me at our new time and place 790 AM on the dial for "Liberty Speaks!"


  1. California Attorney General: Breitbart's ACORN tapes were "severely edited"
    April 02, 2010 11:24 am ET by Eric Boehlert
    Media Matters

    The AG also confirms the ACORN 'pimp' story was a hoax.
    Brietbart is an intentionally misleading pathetic excuse for a journalist.

    If Phil isn't haveing him on to ask him the hard questions, I don't think I would like his show.

  2. You wouldn't like the show. Not a slam on you or Phil just the way it is.

    Phil Liberatore is a good man who puts his money where his mouth is and fights our abusive taxation system. He is also a Republican who, I think, is comfortable supporting the Republican Party platform.
