
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Katie Couric and the Theory That Christian + Patriot = Evil Racist Militia

Katie breaks out the broad brush for this one.  Notice how hard she tries to bait the guest into making a racists or extremist comment.  And if you really want to hear something shocking, roll the video forward to about 28:15 and listen to this self-proclaimed expert as he connects being a patriotic Christian to being racist extremists.  Who knew the Christian motto "What would Jesus do?" would be answered with "Kill the Jews and the blacks" as the author would like you to believe. I suppose it is fair to infer that being a Jewish patriot or Muslim patriot is just fine. Being a civil libertarian has never been so hard for Christians who believe in all of the Constitution's amendments.

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The "expert" would also like you to think that militias are not supposed to be threatening or menacing by their mere presence. However, I believe as many judges do, that the intent of the "militia" being mentioned in the Constitution was the final stop-gap to prevent tyrannical rule should all other checks and balances fail. California, so far as I know, has no militia. The last one we had was turned into the Army Nation Guard which get's deployed regularly to foreign countries. I don’t think that was the intended use of militias when Mason, Jefferson, and the others penned the Constitution. But what do I know, I’m just a voter.

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