
Friday, March 12, 2010

What Do These Candidates Have in Common?

I believe that these individuals have the vision and ability to improve Orange County. They all possess unique qualities that are rare and desperately needed more than ever before. None of these candidates are political hack incumbents. All of them live within the jurisdiction for which the office they are running is located. Each has a clear and distinct vision of how they can and will improve County governance. They all believe that we can do more with less. They have held themselves accountable for both their actions as well as their inactions. They care deeply about the quality of life of their constituents. Each of these innovative thinkers is involved in their community and gives back in ways that no PR campaign or photo opportunity can ever fully express.  Each candidate understands and respects the value of The People's tax-dollars.
Bill Hunt's leadership and unwillingness to be pushed around by bureaucrats will make him a superb Sheriff.

Shawn Nelson's desire to represent his district's values while shrinking the out of control spending will make him a true servant of the People.

Hugh Nguyen's depth of experience and leadership in a field that few understand will get the OC Clerk-Recorder's Office back on the right track, free from the train wreck created by the egregious and outrageous spending that has plagued that Office.

For these reasons, I find it imperative that I endorse and support their candidacies.

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