
Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Nelson, Hunt, and the AOCDS

Why am I happy that Bill Hunt received the AOCDS (Association of Orange County Sheriff Deputies) endorsement and that Shawn Nelson didn’t bother to ask?

Bill Hunt, 2010 candidate for OC Sheriff, said he did not feel the OCGOP chairman Scott Baugh’s mandate was reasonable. Then he sought the endorsement and received it.  That is consistency.

Shawn Nelson, 2010 candidate to fill 4th District OC Supervisor seat vacated by Chris Norby, declined to so much as interview for the endorsement citing conflict with the OCGOP proclamation.  That is also consistency.

I support both candidates for the same reasons. They both feel strong in their convictions and are not easily moved to change their stance on positions.  In other words, they are consistent.

Specifically regarding the AOCDS endorsements, Hunt is running to be sheriff and this I the sheriff’s union. Logically he should seek their support. Nelson, running for the OC Board of Supervisors does not need their support in the same manner as Hunt but it would be good to have. However, Nelson is also running for the OC GOP Central Committee and as such should play by party rules. Hunt, though active in politics, is not a member of the OCGOP Central Committee nor does it appear he wants to be. Hunt is a law man and Nelson is a politician. Don’t fight it, just realize that they are fight two different battles.

Further, Baugh’s hypocritical proclamation aside, all candidates should seek all possible endorsements without pandering to the endorser's cause. As much as the public employee pensions have hurt us, we must remember that the Board of Supervisors approved the pensions and that he labor unions are supposed to fight for every penny and every bit of compensation that they can get; that is their job. The Board should have done a better job negotiating the pensions and salaries down. We must also bear in mind that the Board’s decision was based in part by data provided by actuaries and that this pension tsunami is everyone’s fault.

Chairman Scott Baugh's Call to Action from Informed Patriots on Vimeo.

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