
Friday, September 12, 2014

Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association Endorses Sebourn Council

This week the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association joins the Lincoln Club and Atlas PAC with their endorsement of Greg Sebourn for Fullerton City Council.

I am thankful that the HJTA supports my longstanding commitment to keeping taxes low in Fullerton.  The endorsement will certainly lend visibility to the fragile state of Prop 13 and the necessity to protect the future of our aging population to live within their means.

Each of us as renters or property owners benefits directly by keeping the increase of property taxes to a sustainable rate of 2%.  Don't buy into the "split role" nonsense.  Any change to Prop 13 threatens our economic future.

HJTA was founded in 1978 to protect future generations from property tax spiking.  To learn more about the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, please go to

Lincoln Club Endorses Sebourn for Council

This week the Lincoln Club of Orange County announced their endorsement of Greg Sebourn for Fullerton City Council!

While I am very grateful to the Lincoln Club for their support I think it is important to share a little about the Lincoln Cub of OC.

They were founded in 1963 with the mission  of 

"...limiting government to those legitimate functions that least intrude on the economy and the individual lives of its citizens while providing a strong defense securing individual liberties.

These principles are paramount: government may only act with the consent of the governed and ought to do only that which the people cannot do for themselves; political freedom cannot survive without the economic freedoms afforded by low taxes and free enterprise; and government conducted in accordance with these principles will result in economic growth and individual liberty for all citizens."

I am humbled and thankful to have the support of the Lincoln Club of Orange County.

If you would like learn more about the Lincoln Club, please visit