
Thursday, September 22, 2011

Will State Controller Audit Fullerton?

California State Controller John Chiang has issued his report on an audit of  the City of Montebello.

Earlier today Chiang said in a press release "At the expense of local job development, street repair, and schools, Montebello has made it a habit to tap legally-restricted funds to cover its budget and cash shortfalls.  It appears that the City moved money wherever it wanted, whenever it wanted, regardless of the law or the intended purpose of those taxpayer dollars."

With Fullerton using earmarked funds for non-fund related expenditures, it's just a matter of time before the Controller's Office finds their way to our own City Hall.

Fullerton has a couple of municipal codes that specify how the money for certain funds are to be used, such as our Sewer Fund or the Sanitation Fund.

After a cursory review of the City's budget for FY2011-2012, I wrote about these funds and some of the ways in which our tax dollars have been misappropriated.  Read about it HERE.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Orange County DA: FPD Officer Ramos Murdered Kelly Thomas

Fullerton Police Officer Manny Ramos and Corporal Jay Cicinelli murdered Kelly Thomas after Ramos said, "Now see my fists?  They're getting ready to fuck you up!"

What the DA describes is extremely disturbing and sickening.  It is shocking beyond words. 

To say that I am disappointed that the Fullerton Police Department did not take action against Ramos and Cicinelli earlier is a gross understatement.

What happened is unconscionable. 

The Fullerton Police Department is done.

Ramos & Cicinelli

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

City Council Meeting Tonight

There is a City Council meeting tonight at 6:30 in the City Council Chambers at City Hall, 303 W. Commonwealth Ave.

So many of you have been coming out and expressing your thoughts and concerns about Fullerton and the pressure is mounting.  Keep the pressure on them and don't let up. 

We are all concerned about the elephant in the room, the death of Kelly Thomas at the hands of Fullerton police officers. 

We must also not loose site that city officials, beginning with the City Council, have continued to waste tax dollars and resources to pay for certain elite benefits and infrastructure boondoggles.  That money - OUR MONEY - can and should be used to benefit everyone, not just well-connected developers and powerful public employee unions.  

Fullerton's own Police Officers Association has demonstrated quite well their condescending and elitist attitude and abusive use of authority towards anyone who questions their actions or, god forbid, wants officers held accountable ever since Kelly was beaten into a coma on July 5th.  This is the same union that protects bad cops, uniformed thieves and badge-wearing sexual predators from justice.  Its the same union whose members give out tickets to protest supporters who honk their horn.  What has the Fullerton Police Officers Association done for the People of Fullerton?  Lies, cover-ups, and corruption. 

And in case you think I'm anti-cop, I'm not.  I'm anti-bad cop and pro-good cop.  There is a difference.