
Friday, August 13, 2010

The California Republican Party Platform and the City of Fullerton - Part V

How long can the California Republican Party (CRP) continue to ignore the elephant in the room – the Redevelopment Agencies?

The official CRP platform, which can be found at, outlines several key areas that are in direct conflict with the Fullerton Redevelopment Agency's practice. I have been highlighting these areas and articulating how they conflict with the Fullerton Redevelopment Agency so that Republicans who have supported Redevelopment Agency efforts will realize the incompatibility between the Party and the Agency.

Today, I'm focusing on the CRP's topic, regarding taxes and government spending. First, let's see what the CRP has to say on the subject.

 The Fullerton Redevelopment Agency has enjoyed spending freely through the issuance of bonds.  There has been no 2/3 majority of voter approval, not even 50+1%.  In fact, the matter was never brought before the voters.  The City Council members acting as the politic body of the Fullerton Redevelopment Agency has been quite content to spend the current tax increment along with future revenues.  All the while, streets all over town are neglected, water pipes are leaking, and the overall infrastructure lies nearly ruined.
The California Republican Party is the party of balanced budgets, limited government, and fiscal responsibility.
We stand for the wise stewardship and responsible use of the people’s money. We support without exception and without apology a two-thirds vote requirement for the passage of tax increases, tax increases labeled as fees, bonds, and the state budget. We call for a constitutional ban on any bonded indebtedness to cover general operating deficits.

The FY2010-2011 budget estimates that the Fullerton Redevelopment Agency will receive about $18,000,000 in property tax increment (the difference in the regular property tax assessment and the new assessment under redevelopment).  Add that $18,000,000 back annually to the general fund and we will be able to begin restoration of our infrastructure.  Thanks to the indebtedness brought on by overly zealous bond issuance, we must first pay off our creditors before we can begin to use all $18,000,000.
Let us also not forget that when the Fullerton Redevelopment Agency declares blight and evicts hundreds of families, a new problem emerges.  All of the surrounding businesses which were once quite vibrant with the area's residents are transformed overnight into empty stores of despair.  No sales take place, therefore no sales tax is collected.  Where there was once a tax revenue source for the general fund, a void of hopelessness is created. 

Government is not equipped to participate, and should not compete, in the free market.  Wherever the public’s money can be saved and the level of service increased, we call for the privatizing of services now delivered by government.

Let private developers funded through private sources recognize the opportunities that exist in our City. 

Next week I will tell you what the Fullerton Redevelopment Agency does well and why we should implement this mystery policy for the City of Fullerton. 

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The California Republican Party Platform and the City of Fullerton - Part IV

How long can the California Republican Party (CRP) continue to ignore the elephant in the room – the Redevelopment Agencies?

The official CRP platform, which can be found at, outlines several key areas that are in direct conflict with the Fullerton Redevelopment Agency's practice. I have been highlighting these key areas and articulating how they conflict with the Fullerton Redevelopment Agency so that Republicans who have supported Redevelopment Agency efforts will realize the incompatibility between the Party and the Agency.

Today, I'm focusing on the CRP's topic, regarding the property rights. First, let's see what the CRP has to say on the subject.

We stand for the principle that condemnation and government restriction on private property must only occur for public uses.
One of the purest forms of tyranny is government confiscation of its citizens’ private property. We reject condemnation or government restrictions on property without full compensation for such condemnations or restrictions. We also reject condemnation by governments of private property to be used for non-public uses.
Wow, do I really need to add anything to that? I believe condemnation should be reserved for public rights-of-way. I believe strong-arm tactics like devaluing private property by declaring blight so that the Redevelopment Agency can get a "good deal" circumvents the 4th and 5th Amendments and undermines two of the most important rights we have.

4th “The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated…”
5th “…nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.”

Monday, August 9, 2010


Although I disagree with Richard Florida's value of high-speed rail with huge taxpayer subsidies, he does make some interesting observations that are at the very least worth considering. 

The most important point regarding urban development comes at the end of the video (at 00:09:12) when Richard mentions, almost in passing, that Miami Beach Community Development Corporation (MBCDC) has been purchasing some of the "surplus" foreclosed on homes and condos and renting them back to low-income families.  MBCDC used City of Miami Beach HOME funds to purchase four condominium units, which are currently occupied and managed by MBCDC.

This creates low-income housing throughout the city rather than concentrating it in one area.  The program is in line with what I have offered up as a possible solution to the low-income housing shortage that is exacerbated by the Fullerton Redevelopment Agency.  Learn more about Miami Beach's solution at

Pension Spiking and Fraud 101

I was watching a short interview with Steven Greenhut on Reason.TV and heard Steven mention "Chief's Disease".  After a few quick google entries, I tripped over this 2005 exerpt from  Click HERE to read and download the entire PDF.

By George Passantino and Adam B. Summers
June 2005

The California Republican Party Platform and the City of Fullerton - Part III

I have been highlighting specific platform topics and articulating how they conflict with the  Fullerton Redevelopment Agency so that Republicans will realize the incompatibility between the Party and this abusive agency.  Today, I will be discussing the CRP's take on the family unit and how the Fullerton Redevelopment Agency destroys families. 

"A strong and healthy family unit is the heart of the home – a safe surrounding where family decisions are made, children are raised, and morality is taught. The family is a foundation upon which American society has grown and prospered for over 200 years."
When the Fullerton Redevelopment Agency chose to spend $22.7 million, bulldoze several apartment buildings, and evict more than 600 people I think a reasonable person would have concluded that this would place a tremendous strain on the families being evicted.  I believe these actions by our City Council acting as the Board of Directors of the Fullerton Redevelopment Agency have contributed to needless heartache and suffering of Fullerton families while ignoring the increasing deficiencies in our infrastructure.  We claim these areas to be crime infested, yet with each FRA action, more and more property tax revenue is siphoned off away from the police and fire departments. Using public funds for private ventures is bad policy. 

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Government Over-Reaction Threatens to Force California Fish Farmers Out of Business

A friend emailed this to me and I thought I should share it.  When will our elected leadership stand up to outrageous restrictions which will surely cost California more jobs?