
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Fullerton City Council and Administrator Salaries Now Online

The Orange County Register reported on this and I thought it would be good to post these online and see what people think. 

Which candidates will turn down these benefits if elected?  My employer provides me the medical and dental insurance, I pay for my own life insurance, and I have my own defined-contribution plan.  I think I'll pass on those little perks and let the taxpayers keep their money for something more important, like their family, mortgage, education, food, charity, cars, pets, etc.

(Click on the image to enlarge)

Screw the People, Save the Frogs!

Below is the text of a paper I received from an industry expert on what the new Fish & Game regulations realy mean.  I have not researched all of the particlars but I have looked at a few of them and found them to be correct. 

Please take a few minutes to read why anyone who has ever cast a line in California should be concerned about what the future will hold for our state.


"We believe that public service is a trust—one of the highest callings to which any man or woman may aspire."

When government officials take the land from one person by force or fear, give it to another person for less than fair-market value, and call it "redevelopment", are they creating trust?  Who is served by their actions? Certainly not those who are evicted and displaced.  Certainly not the taxpayers who expect honest services for their money.  Certainly not the land owner who is strong-armed into a premature sale of an investment property.  Certainly not the area's business owners who relied on those evicted tenants to use their services and purchase their goods.  Certainly not those public agencies who relied on the sales tax revenue to fund public safety and public works projects. 

Indeed, there are far more losers than winners when Redevelopment Agencies come town.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Is South El Monte another Bell?

Allen Wilson wrote an alarming piece for Red County on South El Monte and the apparent games being played by the City Council to get taxes raised.

When will voters wake up and take back their cities?  As Allen Wilson reports, one South El Monte resident got it right:
South El Monte resident Steve Jaramillo arrived late as well, but he raised questions about the money spent on consultants and objected to the expenditure for a public information campaign about the election:
"It's like a disease. It's like diarrhea for the consultant. If you go and see how much the city has spend on consultants in the past year, we probably wouldn't need a half cent sales tax increase."
We need more people like Steve Jaramillo to step up and speak out against the stupidity and wasteful spending that plagues so many city halls.

Monday, August 2, 2010

The California Republican Party Platform and the City of Fullerton - Part I

How long can the California Republican Party (CRP) continue to ignore the elephant in the room – the Redevelopment Agencies?

The official platform, which can be found at, outlines several key areas that are in direct conflict with the Fullerton Redevelopment Agency's practice. I will be highlighting specific platform topics and articulate how they conflict so that Republicans will realize the incompatibility between the Party and this abusive agency.

Today, I'm focusing on the CRP's topic, regarding the economy. First, let's see what the CRP has to say on the subject.
"We believe people make better decisions than government. Free enterprise should be the guiding force, not government regulation."
That's a simple statement that implies that government does not know best. It emphasizes the importance of free enterprise.

As I have said before, the Fullerton Redevelopment Agency is well known for buying up apartment buildings, evicting the low-income families, then demolishing the site, and giving it below fair market value to a developer. Then they build a few new apartments for moderate-income residents while creating several new problems. All this is done in the name of blight, a problem that code enforcement should be addressing, and generating more tax revenue, which doesn’t always work out quite like officials say it will.

"Economic growth depends on individual liberty and enables all citizens to maximize the opportunity to retain the rewards of their labor."

"For California’s businesses to grow, thrive, and create wealth, a first-class physical infrastructure is necessary."
There are numerous other problems with the Fullerton Redevelopment Agency which are contradictory to the California Republican Party’s platform. These contradictions should cause all card-carrying Republicans to strongly question the judgment of those in charge of Fullerton’s Redevelopment Agency.

Why didn't other developers come in with their own money to invest in the City? Why didn't code enforcement step in early to mitigate those problems which the Agency now calls blight? Worse yet, some of the new housing will be exempt from property taxes which means the City will get substantially less revenue than it did previously. That is a direct contradiction to Redevelopment proponent’s argument that the City will be generating revenue. Remember, revenue produced via the tax increment (the tax increment is the difference between the old property tax rate versus the new property tax rate) is redirected back into funding for the Redevelopment Agency. The tax diversion takes funding from the City's general fund and it is used to confiscate more land and evict more families. It is a vicious cycle of dependency which must be broken. The cycle creates a vortex when 100% of the potential revenue is lost to tax exemptions and an unfair market is created. In return, taxpayers are left with , taxpayers are left with an aging infrastructure that has been neglected for decades.

"We will hold our government responsible for securing the safety of our families, for expanding our worldclass economy, and for promoting fairness and justice to every Californian."

Future highlighted contradictions to be discussed:

August 2 Money Bomb!

Greg Sebourn for Fullerton City Council 2010 has just launched the August 2 Money Bomb! We have some critical hurdles to clear and we need your help to raise $3,000 by Monday August 2, 2010!!!

This campaign is being ran just like our city should be, with thrift and efficiency, and we need to continue the momentum from the past few weeks. We have a new online PayPal donation button on the right side of this webpage to make it easier than ever to support limited government, personal liberty, and property rights. Please take a moment and help make Fullerton the jewel of North Orange County! We can put $20 to good use getting the word out that City Hall’s business as usual is no longer acceptable! Your contribution is an investment in Fullerton’s future!