
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Chrsitmas

(from left to right) Wyatt, Isabelle, Stacey, and Greg.  Not shown is Amelia who was hiding in Mom's womb at the time of the photo, December 24th, 2008.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Monumental Job

I have the honor of placing this brass monument at the intersection of Lakeview Avenue at Santa Ana Canyon Road and another just like it to the east a hundred feet or so.  They will be set down about 1 foot inside of a protective well for surveyors to use for generations to come.  The "PLS 8395" is my California Land Surveyor's license number.  Proudly my license number and employing firm, Johnson-Frank & Associates, are stamped into the brass so that future surveyors can identify the brass cap and differentiate it from other types of monuments. 

The hard part will be managing traffic.  If I close one lane for more than about 10 minutes, the entire eastbound Riverside Freeway (SR91) will begin to back up as well as the northbound Costa Mesa Freeway (SR55) even though we are working on surface streets.